Ronco Six Star Knife Set Review: Does it Make the Cut?

• Large selection of knives
• Lifetime guarantee
• Very costly shipping
• Poor consumer reviews
• Durability is questionable
The Ronco Showtime Six Star Knife Set has been advertised for several years. The reviews lean heavily toward the negative, with many consumers expressing dissatisfaction with the quality, as well as the shipping and returns fees.
Ronco Showtime Six Star Knife Set
Ronco Six Star deluxe cutlery set has been advertised on television for the past several years. The 25 knives in this set are said to never lose their sharp edge. Do they make the cut?
Long before there was Billy Mays, there was Ron Popeil, a staple of As Seen on TV advertising in the 1970’s and 1980’s – and Mr. Popeil continues to pitch products to this day. His Showtime Six Star cutlery set has been advertised via weekend infomercials for several years. In the infomercial, Popeil works his salesmanship magic to convince viewers that this cutlery set is the greatest thing since the Ginsu Knife.
The set includes 25 knives, broken down as follows:
Showtime knife, professional carving knife, fillet knife, bread/bagel knife, chef knife, saw knife, boning knife, sportsman knife, chop & serve, cheese knife, cleaver, carving fork, 2 paring knives, garnish knife, kitchen/poultry shears, sharpener, 8 steak knives.
The set is offered as a buy one get one, so you end up with 2 sets of 25 knives. A “solid flavor injector” is currently offered as a bonus.
The official product website is
Cost and Availability
The infomercial advertises the set to cost “three easy monthly payments of only $13.33.” You can also make one lump payment of $39.99. A second set is included in your order for additional processing and handling. You can also order a wood block for $29.95.
The fine print lists the shipping as $43.40 for the two sets, while the wood block shipping is $14.95. Thus, you are looking at the following costs:
Two knife sets: $39.99 + $43.40 = $83.39
If you add the wood block: $29.95 + $14.95 = $44.90. That plus the knife set above comes to a grand total of $128.29.
- Perfectly balanced
- Triple riveted
- Dishwasher safe
- Impact resistant
- 30-Day money back guarantee
- Lifetime guarantee
- Solid flavor injector bonus
Ronco Cutlery Set Reviews
You could probably spend hours reading reviews about this set, and walk away feeling no more informed than when you started.
- At Consumer Affairs, there are over 70 reviews, with a total rating of just over 1 star
- Amazon customers give the set a 2.5 star rating with about 70 reviews. Opinions vary from “worst knives ever” to “I like these knives.”
- Reseller Ratings gives Ronco (in general, not just this set) a 1.5 star rating. Several commenters there discuss the set, with reviews ranging from “garbage” to “best knives ever.”
Complaints about the knives range from the high shipping fees, handles coming apart, dull blades, and cost to return or replace them.
The positive reviews are in direct opposition to the negative reviews, although it is clear that the negative reviews are in the majority.
Lifetime Guarantee
Keep in mind that in order to take advantage of the “lifetime guarantee,” you must mail the broken item to them, along with a $3 per item “handling” fee (which caps at $21.70).
Epic Conclusion
The Ronco Showtime Six Star Knife Set has been advertised for several years. The reviews lean heavily toward the negative, with many consumers expressing dissatisfaction with the quality, as well as the shipping and returns fees.
You may want to shop around locally for a set you can evaluate in person before deciding to make this purchase.
I haven’t had the knives long enough to write a proper review, but in the past I’ve sharpened knives that were sharper than these straight edge blades were when they were just out of the box.