Ohuhu Can Be Blown Out Flameless Candles Reviews

• Pleasant glow
• Flicker effect
• Blow on/Blow off feature
• Slightly more expensive than competition
• No instructions
• No info on official website
Ohuhu flameless "can be blown out" candles are on par with other flameless candles I have used in the past. The "blow" feature is surprisingly nifty, and gives this product a slight "cool factor" advantage over the competition. They may be slightly more expensive than competing products, but the inclusion of the button battery also helps offset this.
Ohuhu Flameless Candles
Review of Flameless Candles by Ohuhu which can be blown out like real candles.
Claims & Features
- Flameless candles
- Made of real wax
- Flicker effect mimics real candles
- Button battery included
- LED light
- Can be turned on or off by blowing
Cost & Availability
The only place we found these candles for purchase was on the official Ohuhu Amazon storefront, selling for $18 for a pack of 6.
Ohuhu Flameless Candles Reviews
My wife is something of a flameless candle aficionado, so I feel that I have a pretty good pool of experience with this type of product. I was contacted by Ohuhu and asked if I would like to evaluate any of their products, and this is one of the choices I made, merely because I have been around flameless candles so often over the past several years. Although I was supplied a sample for this review, I only guaranteed that I would give it a fair evaluation.
The candles arrived in a plain box with no instructions. I don’t know if that is how it is normally shipped or not. I also went onto their official company website to find out more information, but I could not find this particular product – thus it only appears to be available via Amazon. A company rep told me that the product was not on the website because it was new.
Regarding the candles themselves, they stand about 2 inches high, and have a sturdy wax feel to them. Operation is simple: turn the switch on once, then you can blow into the sensor to turn them on and off. The candles emit a warm yellow-orange glow, and include a flicker effect that mimics that of real candles. Some reviewers have stated that they thought the candles were scented, but I don’t believe that is the case. There is a faint smell, but I believe that is simply the wax, and not an included scent. The product description also does not state that they are scented.
These are nice to use as nightlights or around the bathtub for a nighttime bath. I selected one of the six candles that I have left on permanently to see how long it will last. I will update this page when that result is in.
Similar Products
There are a plethora of flameless candles available. A cursory search of Amazon yields untold numbers of competing products.
Epic Conclusion
Ohuhu flameless “can be blown out” candles are on par with other flameless candles I have used in the past. The “blow” feature is surprisingly nifty, and gives this product a slight “cool factor” advantage over the competition. They may be slightly more expensive than competing products, but the inclusion of the button battery also helps offset this.
If you’ve used Ohuhu Flameless Candles, please give it a star rating and comment below.