Nu Finish Scratch Doctor Review: Good Results with Realistic Expectations

• Excellent for clear coat scratches.
• Inexpensive and widely available.
• Difficult to meet all customer expectations due to wide ranges of scratches experienced.
• Requires thorough buffing and sometimes repeated applications.
Nu Finish Scratch Doctor does a fine job of removing light scratches and scuffs. It won't remove deep scratches, nor will any other similar product. Those with realistic expectations will find value in Scratch Doctor, while consumers expecting it to magically erase deep scratches with little effort may not.
Nu Finish Scratch Doctor
Nu Finish Scratch Doctor is a scratch remover for vehicles and household appliances.
Claims & Features
- Rated #1 vs other scratch removers
- Doesn’t leave more scratches than it removes
- Good for paint scrapes, scuffs, haze, and swirl marks
- Reduces appearance of deep scratches
- Inverted 6.5 oz bottle design
Cost & Availability
Scratch Doctor is widely available in stores ranging from Walmart to car parts retailers. We have seen the price range from about $9 to $12, with an average of about $10. You can also find Scratch Doctor from standard online outlets such as Amazon.
Nu Finish Scratch Doctor Commercial
The TV commercial below has been airing in heavy rotation as of June 2015.
Nu Finish Scratch Doctor Reviews
Scratch Doctor is one of the more well-known scratch removers on the market, having maintained a place on the shelves for years. In mid-2015 the product is experiencing something of a marketing push, presumably for the the warmer months when DIY types spend hours outside detailing their beloved autos.
We found that Scratch Doctor does a fine job of removing light scratches and scuffs. There is a certain amount of rubbing required, which seems to be a surprise to some consumers who haven’t attempted to remove scratches before. High expectations for unrealistically deep scratches is also another potential problem scratch removers often encounter. Our tests of Scratch Doctor found it to work beautifully as advertised, provided the scratches were light. For deep scratches, no significant results were achieved – or expected.
Using Scratch Doctor is straightforward: You wash the area to be treated, then apply a small amount with a soft cloth. You’ll then need to employ a little elbow grease and rub it in thoroughly. Let the product dry, then wipe off. Repeat if necessary.
We don’t feel that any scratch remover will ever receive 5-star ratings for two reasons: Unrealistic consumer expectations, and lack of elbow grease. Virtually every scratch remover cautions consumers that it can’t work miracles on deep scratches. The fact that every scratch is unique means that some customers will find excellent results while others won’t. Light scratches and scuffs are best served by such a product, while deep scratches may be reduced – but won’t be eliminated without touch-up paint.
Similar Products
There are a wealth of scratch removers on the market. Another product blanketing the airwaves in June 2015 (this writing) is Quixx Paint Scratch Remover, which we also found to be a fine entrant in the scratch removal arena.
Epic Conclusion
Nu Finish Scratch Doctor does a fine job of removing light scratches and scuffs. It won’t remove deep scratches, nor will any other similar product. Those with realistic expectations will find value in Scratch Doctor, while consumers expecting it to magically erase deep scratches with little effort will likely report back with 1-star ratings, unfairly so.
If you’ve used Nu Finish Scratch Doctor, please give it a star rating and comment below.
Bought a used car and didn’t see a small ding and scratch; Scratch Doctor removed it almost perfectly.
On my lease car, Scratch Doctor removed a splotch from my bumper. Suspect it was adhesive. Only Scratch Doctor removed it, and removed it completely! Took 10 rubbings but it was worth it!
This is one of the best products I have ever used.
I used the product first I washed the vehicle and dried it afterwards make sure it’s completly dry before apply this product. I applied it in a circular motion one side ata time letit dry to a haze don’t rush it and afterwards I buffed it by hand it looks better than before. I can still see the light scratches but they are not as noticeable now it’s agreat product if you want to cover over the light scratches. It definitely won’t fill deep ones in and it won’t remove5he lightsurface ones completely but it does look better.