NoNo Pro Review: How Well Does it Remove Hair?

• Less expensive than laser treatments
• Does not work for everyone.
• Results not permanent
• Treatments require time and patience
NoNo Pro is controversial at best, with the majority of consumers who have used it expressing a negative opinion of the product.
NoNo Pro
NoNo Pro (sometimes written No!No! Pro or even NoNoPro) has been advertised in heavy rotation over the past three years. It is claimed to be a safe, effective, and inexpensive way to remove unwanted hair.
NoNo Pro’s advertising states “it’s not a laser,” as it uses pulsed Thermicon Technology. It is not a permanent solution, and hair will grow back when use is discontinued.
Cost and Availability
The NoNo Pro3 is available online for a total of $249.99, which can be broken into three payments of $83.33. The price was lowered in 2015. The original price was $304.90.
Although no longer sold from the product website, the original NoNo Hair Removal unit can still be found in some stores for about $270.
There is also a Pro5 model which has more power and costs $20 more than the Pro3 model.
To read more about the features of the three NoNo Systems, see this review at
- Painless
- Long-lasting hair removal
- Pro3 is available in three colors: Pink, Blue, and Platinum
- Pro5, when it was offered, was available in platinum
- Over 6 million sold
- Works on all skin types and hair color
- Less expensive than professional waxing or laser treatments
- 60 day trial
NoNo Pro Reviews
Because NoNo Pro has been available for some time, reviews are readily available. Take a look at a couple of popular reviews:
- Amazon: 2 out of 5 stars, with over 600 customer reviews (since removed)
- HSN: 2 out of 5 stars, with over 170 customer reviews (since removed)
- Pissed Consumer: 2.1 out of 5 stars, and over 80 complaints.
The 800+ combined reviewers on the three sites above form a general consensus that the product may work for some people, but certainly doesn’t live up to the hype of the television advertising.
NoNo works by essentially heating the hair. Some may refer to it as “burning” the hair off, although that would not technically be accurate. A rep left a comment on another site, describing the technology as, “the science of Thermicon Technology that removes the hair through heat and this should be done frequently.”
There are several reasons why consumers have expressed discontent with the product. It has been established that the hair removal achieved via NoNo is not permanent. This, combined with the time investment to treat all of the desired areas, has led to a high level of dissatisfaction.
Those who defend the product suggest that the majority of negative reviews are left by those who did not properly use the product or use it as consistently as needed to see results.
Others have mentioned that the guarantee is for 60 days, but it can take up to 90 days to see significant results. Additional points of contention are that a burning smell is emanated during the process, and that the “prickly” sensation can be interpreted as pain by some consumers.
Those offering lukewarm reviews tend to state that it does remove hair, but the skin was never completely smooth.
The minority of positive reviews state that it worked generally as advertised.
There are several at-home hair removal products which have been competing with NoNo over the advertising airwaves. These include Tria Laser 4x, Finishing Touch Yes, Infini’Silk, and Silk’n Flash&Go. Not all of these products use the same technology, and reviews for the more permanent solutions tend to be more positive.
Epic Conclusion
NoNo Pro is controversial at best, with the majority of consumers who have used it expressing a negative opinion of the product.
This review has been updated since its original publication in January 2015.