Nabi Review: Tablets for Kids

• Multiple different tablets for various ages
• Completely monitored and approved by parents
• App store doesn't include many popular apps
• No Google Play
• Older kids may want a "real" tablet
Nabi bridges the gap between kiddie Leapster tablets and full-fledged adult tablets. Games and music are not free, although the pre-loaded apps make Nabi a compelling product for some parents. An excellent choice for younger kids who aren't ready for the adult tablet world yet. The Nabi Big Tab is the latest in the product line, and features a massive screen, and almost equally as large price tag.
Nabi is a kid-oriented, large-screened line of tablets.
Claims & Features
- Available for all ages (3-9, or for families)
- Fun and engaging
- Helps kids feel independent and responsible
- Parent-approved apps, games, and other content
- Can handle drops/bumps
Cost & Availability
Website – Nabi Jr: $79.99; Nabi 2s: $129.99-$179.99; Nabi Pass Tab: $9.99 per month (subscription-based tablet); Collector’s Edition – $169.99; Nabi DreamTab: $179.99-$199.99. Nabi Big Tab (Toys R Us Only): $399-$550.
SHIPPING: Free shipping on orders over $50 for all tablets except for Nabi Pass Tab
Other online vendors: Nabi Jr: $79.99 – $134.99; Nabi 2s: $94.97 – $163.98; Nabi DreamTab: $99.99
Nabi Commercial
The TV commercial below has been airing as of this writing, featuring the Nabi Big Tab.
Nabi Reviews
Nabi is a tablet for kids which allows them to use an adult-like electronics device just like their parents. The tablet has a nice selection of pre-loaded apps, and can be held and operated easily by children. On the parental side, time can be limited which can prevent kids from trying to play on it while they should be sleeping. This is a nice touch which would be difficult to achieve with regular tablets.
A highly rated app is the “chore” app which is a checklist for items kids must do throughout the day. It can be set up so that kids can earn coins (which you’ve paid for already) in order to purchase apps in the Nabi Store. Most parents seem to especially like that feature.
Many of the games that are available cost money, in the $5-$10 range. You don’t have access to the Google Play store, and many popular apps are not available. Listening to music is also not one of the tablet’s best features, as a 20 second preview is available, while the song itself must be purchased.
It could be argued that an old smartphone with WiFi may be a cheap alternative to Nabi, although there are some unique features which make Nabi a step up from that solution.
Nabi Big Tab Review
In 2015, the Nabi Big Tab has been advertised on television. This larger model is more like an all-in-one computer than a tablet, based on its massive 24 inch size. That 16 gig system includes a wealth of pre-loaded games which take advantage of its massive screen. It includes a metal stand and weighs 13 pounds. Its cost is rather steep at $550, which could also buy you a moderate all-in-one desktop with beefier specs. Early ratings seem to be quite positive.
Epic Conclusion
Nabi bridges the gap between kiddie Leapster tablets and full-fledged adult tablets. Games and music are not free, although the pre-loaded apps make Nabi a compelling product for some parents. An excellent choice for younger kids who aren’t ready for the adult tablet world yet. The Nabi Big Tab is the latest in the product line, and features a massive screen, and almost equally as large price tag.
If you’ve used Nabi, please give it a star rating and comment below.