Finishing Touch Freedom Review: Spot Hair Remover

• Compact
• Stylish
• Adequate at removing hair
• Inexpensive
• Not ideal for large areas
• Less effective on very coarse hair
• Scratching sensation on sensitive areas
Finishing Touch Freedom is careful to advertise itself as a spot hair removal device, which is exactly how this product is best suited. Although we weren't impressed with eyebrow trimming, as a spot hair remover, it does a fine job and is priced right.
Finishing Touch Freedom
Finishing Touch Freedom is a precise hair removal tool.
Claims & Features
- Pain free and quick
- No nicks, cuts, bumps, or burns
- Safe for all skin types
- Compact and discrete
- Multiple patterns to choose from
Cost & Availability
You can purchase this product from the official website for $9.99 + $3.99 S&H. It is also available at Walmart for about $10.
Finishing Touch Freedom Commercial
The TV commercial below has been airing as of this writing.
Finishing Touch Freedom Reviews
Finishing Touch Freedom is advertised as a “spot hair removal tool” for women. It is essentially a small electric razor with an angled tip.
The commercial above suggests that ideal areas for the product to touch up include ankles, knees, toes, legs, and eyebrows. Finishing Touch Freedom comes in six stylish designs: Black/Brown Leopard, Skull, Lips, Paisley, Turquoise Zebra, and Pink Cheetah. The grip feels comfortable and ergonomic. The angled tip allows for precise reach in difficult areas.
Using Finishing Touch Freedom is similar to using an electric razor. It feels like a small comb, which is brushed gently along the desired area. An enclosed blade removes hair as it glides over the skin.
Finishing Touch Freedom is not ideal for large areas, but works quite well as a spot hair remover, as the advertising states. The inclusion of a light is of minimal use, although it could be useful in a dark setting.
There is a comb attachment which allows the product to be used to trim eyebrows. This will probably be met with mixed reactions, as eyebrows come in all shapes and sizes, and the attachment may or may not suit everyone. We didn’t feel this was one of the stronger features.
Although the commercial states that it is pain free, some users may feel a slight scratching sensation when removing hair in delicate areas. It shouldn’t be unbearable for most users, however.
Pro tip: Use your other hand to pull the skin tight when using Finishing Touch Freedom. This allows for the hair to be more easily removed.
Similar Products
Personal hair removal products are big business, and this is one of many which have advertised in recent years. Perhaps the closest design-wise would be that of Micro Touch Max, which features a similar handle and angled tip. That has been advertised on television – and found in stores – for several years. It costs about $10. See a full review of Micro Touch Max here.
Epic Conclusion
Finishing Touch Freedom is careful to advertise itself as a spot hair removal device, which is exactly how this product is best suited. Although we weren’t impressed with eyebrow trimming, as a spot hair remover, it does a fine job and is priced right.
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