Card Lock Review: Credit Card Security Protector

• Works as advertised
• Attractive design
• Competitively priced
• Free shipping
• May prevent cards from fitting into credit card slots in some wallets
• Won't prevent traditional forms of skimming
• Can be duplicated by a piece of tin foil.
• Risk may be overblown
Card Lock is an RFID blocking sleeve which we are confident will work. The need for such a product in the first place, however, is debatable.
Card Lock
Card Lock is an As Seen on TV credit card security product which is designed to prevent credit card fraud and identity theft.
Claims & Features
- Anti-skimming technology
- Leather-look card sleeves
- Free shipping
- Ultra slim, tear resistant design
Cost & Availability
Card Lock can be purchased from the official website for $10 for a 4-pack, with free shipping. You can also find a Card Lock 4-pack at Bed Bath and Beyond for about $10.
Card Lock Reviews
RFID skimming is a practice which involves data on RFID smart cards that is stolen via a device that can scan and download information on the card. A series of stories from 2009 through 2013 brought heightened public awareness of the problem.
Popular Mechanics pointed out that most skimming still occurs when the card is used at legitimate establishments such as restaurants or gas stations, and this type of card theft will not be prevented by any type of blocking mechanism.
Despite a wealth of articles on the topic, there seems to be a lack of recent (2014-2015) information or followups on the topic. There are also critics, such as Randy Vanderhoof of the Smart Card Alliance, who note that no real-world cases of this type of fraud have been reported.
Despite reassurances by those in the smart card industry, some consumers don’t want to take a chance, which is where products such as Card Lock come into the picture. Made of “frequency blocking polymers,” Card Lock appears to sport a similar design and material as other RFID blocking sleeves. Our product researchers are confident that this attractive and lightweight sleeve will do the job as advertised.
Keep in mind that using Card Lock may render some cards too large to slip into card slots in certain wallets. Although a small point of contention, it could be a make or break concern for some users.
The need for such a product is perhaps the most significant item to consider. If you prefer to be overly cautious, Card Lock is certainly a valid option. Its competitive price and free shipping make it a solid competitor in this category.
Similar Products
There are a host of RFID blocking sleeves to be found online, with prices varying above and below that of Card Lock. There are also RFID-blocking wallets. These products appear to be quite popular and well-received.
Epic Conclusion
Card Lock is an RFID blocking sleeve which we are confident will work. The need for such a product in the first place, however, is debatable.
If you’ve used Card Lock, please give it a star rating and comment below.
Don’t waste your money, just never let your credit card out of site, must theft is done at restaurants where the waittress takes your card to register and has a hidden card scanner on her or him. These scanners are cheap and readily available, so never let your card be held by anyone out of site, even at register, keep your eye on card. PERIOD