Sponsored Links 2.3 / 5 ( 558 votes ) Baseboard Buddy is an As Seen on TV product which allows consumers to clean their baseboards without bending over.
3.5 / 5 ( 11 votes ) Reviews of Jeaneez, springy leggings that have a realistic print of designer jeans on them. The product is said to shape the legs and glutes with comfort and style.
3.8 / 5 ( 30 votes ) Reviews of Flexsure, a natural dietary supplement which is claimed to restore health to joints by boosting production of glucosamine, chondroitin, or collagen.
2.1 / 5 ( 17 votes ) Review of the Wobble Wag Giggle, a toy ball for dogs which produces sounds when set in motion. It is said to be designed to hold the attention of dogs better than standard toys.
2.7 / 5 ( 269 votes ) Reviews of Genie Slim Jeggings, women’s jeggings which have the appearance of skinny jeans, but are actually leggings made of an expandable spandex material.