Finishing Touch Yes! Reviews

• Works easily like a razor.
• Can be used on very short stubble
• OK for all skin/hair types and colors
• Technology confusing to consumers.
• Expensive next to comparable electric razors.
Finishing Touch Yes! is a hair removal appliance that is a combination of light technology and a set of micro razor blades. The light technology aspect is simply a light senor that triggers a small oscillating razor. In reading many online user reviews, it appears that many buyers did not realize that Finishing Touch Yes! is actually comparable to an electric razor. Perhaps they were confused by the claim that the product operated on "Sensa-Light technology".
Reviews of Finishing Touch Yes!, an electronic handheld hair removal appliance which is marketed to women. Combines light technology with micro blades.
About Finishing Touch Yes!
Finishing Touch Yes! is a handheld electronic hair removal device for women. Apparently, the product runs on a rechargeable lithium ion battery, and is actually similar to a shaver with a set of micro blades which are activated by a light sensor. When the light sensor senses skin and hair, it activates an oscillating blade which works against the other blade that is fixed. It is stated on the website that the light sensor head is designed to last for about a year.
The marketing appeal of Finishing Touch Yes! appears to be in the gentle and painless way in which the device is said to remove hair. is the website for the product.
Cost and Availability
Finishing Touch Yes! is available for order on the product website. The cost is $39.99 which includes free shipping and handling (S&H).
There is a sales tax added to orders shipping to CA, NJ and NV.
The website offers a 60 Day Money Back Guarantee. In some places, it says there is only a 30 Day Money Back Guarantee. Costumers, however, are responsible for any S&H costs when returning.
Finishing Touch Yes! is also available in some stores. A blog associated with the product recently reported that it was now being sold in WalMart, and a Google search reveals that Bed Bath and Beyond had Finishing Touch Yes! in their stores for $39.99.
Claims and Features
- Immediate hair removal
- Painless
- Odor free
- Safe for sensitive skin
Finishing Touch Yes! Commercial
Finishing Touch Yes! Reviews
Although Finishing Touch Yes! claims that it is not a shaver, consumers need to realize that it is similar to a razor. As mentioned above, Finishing Touch Yes! contains small blades that are activated by a light sensor when pressed against the skin. It seems that many consumers are confused about this. The micro blades may give a closer shave and be easier on the skin (or perhaps not), but the main point is that the device does operate similarly to an electric shaver/razor.
Although the consumer rating for the product is generally positive, around 3.5 stars on Amazon, for example, there is a vocal minority that compares this to an overpriced electric razor.
You should be able to find this in stores, which may help you get a first-hand look before making a decision.
Epic Conclusion
Finishing Touch Yes! is a hair removal appliance that is a combination of light technology and a set of micro razor blades. The light technology aspect is simply a light senor that triggers a small oscillating razor. In reading many online user reviews, it appears that many buyers did not realize that Finishing Touch Yes! is actually comparable to an electric razor. Perhaps they were confused by the claim that the product operated on “Sensa-Light technology”.