Miracle Peeler Review: Does This Product Cut it?

Miracle Peeler is a kitchen utensil which has been advertised on television as a 2-in-1 peeling solution. How does the product compare to other peelers?
Miracle Peeler
This kitchen accessory promises to peel on one side and Julienne on the other, saving time and producing less waste than doing it the old-fashioned way. Pitched by As Seen on TV guy Marc Gill, Miracle Peeler is the latest in a long line of kitchen utensils hocked on television in recent years. How does it measure up?
One of the highlighted benefits of Miracle Peeler is that you can peel in both directions, meaning that you can theoretically peel twice as fast as if you only peeled in one direction. The other primary feature is that you can turn the peeler over to create different cuts.
The product can be purchased at miraclepeeler.com, which was registered in May 2014 to Ontel Products Corporation, Inc.
Miracle Peeler is available direct from the website for $10 plus $6.99 processing and handling. This amounts to a total of $16.99. You are offered the ability to double your order for an additional $6.99 shipping, which would bring the total purchase price to $23.98.
Miracle Peeler is not currently available in stores, but as with most As Seen on TV products, such availability should be expected in the near future.
Claims and Features
- Two peelers in one: Regular and Julienne
- Works in both directions to save time
- German-quality stainless steel blades
- Less waste
- Non-slip rubberized grip for improved safety
- Can be used on potatoes, eggplant, carrots, zucchini, butternut squash
- Guaranteed to never dull
Miracle Peeler Commercial
The commercial below for Miracle Peeler has been airing in the latter part of 2014. Mr. Gill takes a page out of ShamWow’s playbook by noting that the blades are of Germany quality. (Recall Vince of ShamWOW, who proclaimed “You know the Germans always made good stuff…”). Keep in mind that the commercial states “German quality” and not “made in Germany.”
Another As Seen on TV trick is the hacking of a piece of wood with the peeler, then delicately peeling a tomato. This is reminiscent of those Ginsu Knife spots over 30 years ago in which a can was sawed in half, then used to slice a tomato… or when a piece of wood was chopped, followed by a piece of paper effortlessly being cut in half. Admittedly, it is still an effective advertising gimmick.
Miracle Peeler is a relatively new product and objective online reviews for it are scant. Perhaps the largest pool of consumer votes is currently found by readers of Freakin’ Reviews, who give the product an overall rating of 3.1 stars.
Other reviewers who have used the product have mostly agreed that the blade is sharp, although some have expressed concern that the handle itself does not feel as sturdy.
It should be noted that “sharp” and “high quality” do not necessarily go hand in hand. While the product may feel “cheap” to some, the blades are certainly sharp, and the discrepancy between construction and sharpness could be one reason for mixed reviews.
Similar Products
Although the Ontel Products’ version of Miracle Peeler appears to be relatively new, there are other similar peelers which have been available for some time. A “Miracle Peeler” by Gourmet Trends, for example, looks virtually the same in design, with only minor cosmetic (color) and packaging differences. The claims made for that product are virtually the same as this Miracle Peeler. The Gourmet Trends version can be found online for about $15.
Of course there are also endless peelers available in the kitchen aisle of any department store, of varying design and quality.
Epic Conclusion
Miracle Peeler appears to be a sharp, yet somewhat cheaply-made kitchen utensil in the competitive field of kitchen products. It may be hard to justify spending $24 for two plastic handles with sharp blades, and we’re expecting this product to line stores shelves in the near future. It may pay to wait or to price similar products available locally.
If you must have one, come back here and let us know what you thought!